HR Essentials: 5-In-1 HR Compliance with Susan Desmond


Bundle Price : $895.00 $ 249

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Work From Home Policies: Legal Boundaries with Flexible Schedules

Susan Fahey Desmond


90 Mins

In this program, you’ll learn how to:

  • Types of flexible working arrangements, including but not limited to job sharing, flex-time; compressed work weeks, etc.
  • Benefits to utilizing flexible work arrangements.
  • Problematic practical concerns when considering flexible work arrangements in your workplace. 
  • Benefit issues for the "perma-temp" flexible working relationship
  • Joint employer issues for the "perma-temp" flexible working relationship
  • Telecommuting as a flexible work arrangement (one of the most controversial)
  • Telecommuting as a reasonable accommodation under the ADA
  • Why attendance may not be considered an essential job function
  • Privacy and confidentiality concerns arising out of telecommuting arrangements
  • What a good telecommuting policy should include

Conducting Proper Background Checks

Susan Fahey Desmond


90 Mins

In this program, you’ll learn how to:

  • Costs of bad hiring decisions.
  • Conducting proper background checks.
  • Understanding negligent hiring cases
  • Using social media to conduct background checks
  • Basic operation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) for employers.
  • Impact of Federal Trade Commission (FTC) staff opinion letters.
  • New cases and future trends.
  • How to comply with the complex law known as FCRA

Conducting the Interactive Process under the Americans with Disabilities Act

Susan Fahey Desmond


90 Mins

In this program, you’ll learn how to:

  • The difference in interpretation of who is disabled under the “old” ADA and the “new” ADA. 
  • Why pre-amendments resulted in cases rarely getting past the issue of whether an employee met the definition of “disability.”
  • What do we mean about the “interactive process”?
  • What does the ADA and the EEOC require an employer to do during the interactive process? 
  • Steps to take during the interactive process.
  • What happens when there is a breakdown during the interactive process?
  • Do you always have to give the employee the accommodation s/he requests?
  • What examples do the statute and EEO regulations give as possible reasonable accommodations?
  • Why you must distinguish between essential and marginal functions of a position when making reasonable accommodation decisions. 
  • How to make sure courts will give deference to your definition of the “essential” functions of a position.
  • Is attendance always an essential function of a position?  Why are the courts and the EEOC not seeing eye to eye on this issue?

Harassment or Accountability? Updates on EEOC's Harassment Policy Guidance

Susan Fahey Desmond


90 Mins

In this program, you’ll learn how to:

  • Understanding the EEOC’s approach regarding employer liability for quid pro quo harassment and hostile working environments – who does the EEOC consider as a supervisor?
  • Defining quid pro quo harassment
  • Defining hostile working environment
  • Employer obligations when the alleged harasser is a customer
  • Defining when an employee has engaged in protected activity
  • New EEOC approach to retaliation claims
  • Tips in conducting a proper investigation
  • What the EEOC wants to see in your policies and harassment training
  • Proper documentation of an harassment investigation

Electronic Record Retention: Mistakes HR Professionals Can Avoid (Latest Version)

Susan Fahey Desmond


90 Mins

In this program, you’ll learn how to:

  • Keys to Solving Record Retention Issues: What’s Required By Law
  • How to determine a record’s retention & storage period
  • Tips For a Strong Electronic Record Retention Program
  • Paper vs. paperless: How your retention obligations change
  • Establish policies for electronic records: Email, IM, & Web content
  • What records should be kept when an employee leaves?

Susan Fahey Desmond : Susan Fahey Desmond is a partner with Jackson Lewis, LLP, which has offices in over 54 cities across the United States. She has been representing management in all aspects of labor in employment law since 1985. She is listed in Best Lawyers in America and has been named by Chamber USA as one of America’s Leading Business Lawyers for labo.....


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